Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Tell-Tale Heart from Talking Animals on Vimeo.


ENGAGE NY Vocabulary:

·hearken (v.) – listen; give heed to what is said
·vulture (n.) – a bird of prey
·acute (adj.) – extremely sensitive even to slight details or impressions

Engage NY Guiding Questions:

1.     What is “True!”?
2.     What distinction is the narrator making between nervous and mad?
3.     What has happened to the narrator’s senses?
4.     What “senses” is the narrator referring to and how do you know? What evidence does the narrator give to show his hearing was acute?
5.     What words (synonyms) could replace acute in this context?
6.     What does his acute hearing reveal about the narrator?
7.     What is the narrator telling the reader to do?
8.     How does the narrator speak to the reader in this excerpt?
9.     Why does the narrator choose the words calmly and healthily when describing how he is going to tell the story?
10. What “haunted” the narrator?
11. Why does the narrator decide to “take the life of the old man”?
12. How does the narrator feel about the old man?

13. How does the narrator describe the old man’s eye?

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